Unpacking Bias

Unpacking Bias

Three years ago, I went to a party announcing the product launch of a new company. It was located at a law firm to celebrate their client’s success. Always drawn to entrepreneurs, I was excited to learn more about the team and how they got started.  There was a woman there in her late sixties and I am ashamed to admit that I avoided talking to her. Why?  I wasn’t sure we’d have much in common and I wanted to make the most out of the few hours I had while there.  Was I biased?  Steeped in stereotypes?  Yes and yes. So how can we say “no” to our own biases? How do we catch ourselves from making that mistake in the future?

In the Harvard Business Review article entitled, “Outsmart Your Own Biases” they wrote the following about one’s own initial judgements. “It can be dangerous to rely too heavily on what experts call System 1 thinking—automatic judgments that stem from associations stored in memory—instead of logically working through the information that’s available. No doubt, System 1 is critical to survival. It’s what makes you swerve to avoid a car accident. But as the psychologist Daniel Kahneman has shown, it’s also a common source of bias that can result in poor decision making, because our intuitions frequently lead us astray. Other sources of bias involve flawed System 2 thinking—essentially, deliberate reasoning gone awry. Cognitive limitations or laziness, for example, might cause people to focus intently on the wrong things or fail to seek out relevant information.” So how can each of us check our own bias at the door?  

Here are five areas to start reducing individual bias by Mary-Frances Winters of “The Inclusion Solution”

  1. Desire: One must want to uncover their unconscious bias. I fear that there is a significant minority who really don’t want to do the work or put in the time and effort that it will take.
  2. Acceptance: Once we become aware of our biases perhaps from taking several Implicit Association Tests, we need to accept the feedback rather than becoming defensive or denying the validity of the feedback.
  3. Commitment: To become more aware of all of the hidden biases that we may be carrying will take time and energy to understand how you came to hold that bias. It will not be enough to attend a 4-hour training on unconscious bias. The real work starts after the training. The training can only increase awareness, it will not reverse the biases.
  4. Introspection: Digging deep into your past, becoming more self-aware of those events or teachings which may have produced the bias is a critical step in the process. This can be a very difficult process because some of what you might bring to memory may be painful. Perhaps someone who you  love dearly routinely used racist epithets in your home while you were growing up and while you did not think you carried any of these beliefs, you are uncovering some of the same biases that were not conscious.
  5. Exposure: Often our biases are based on stereotypes from very little understanding of the group that we are biased against. Learning more about the group, being exposed to data and experiences which counter those beliefs is a necessary part of the process.

Following those five steps by Mary Frances Winters will help mitigate one's own biases by recognizing it and taking action. 

And as for the woman I never made the effort to meet at that party?  It turns out she started and sold five successful businesses.  I made an inaccurate judgement based on a person’s age and missed out on connecting with an amazing entrepreneur.  Have you ever made a judgement that was biased?  

Reviewed & Recommended: 

TEDx Talk - Verna Myers: How to overcome our biases?  Walk boldly toward them.

She makes a plea to all people: Acknowledge your biases. Then move toward, not away from, the groups that make you uncomfortable. In an impassioned, important talk, she shows us how. 

The Inclusion Solution: Unpacking Our Biases, Unconscious and Conscious – Part 1: What Are Unconscious Biases? Can We Really Change Them? by Mary-Frances Winters


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Setting Boundaries

Setting Boundaries

A pandemic, giant forest fires, joblessness, kids learning from home are all becoming a regular part of life.  Although people show their resilient side during difficult times, tension has a way of increasing when too many pressures pile up.  This is why setting healthy boundaries should be part of every midlife wellness plan.  If we happen to be people pleasers, setting personal boundaries is even more important.  It’s a way to gain more control, build better relationships and be mentally ready for whatever comes next.

Over the weekend, my friend experienced a panic attack from anxiety.  Half her body was numb, her heart was racing and she was hyperventilating.  She was rushed to the emergency room where she thought she was having a heart attack.  She’s 54.  She had been helping her sister when others in her family weren’t able to and felt compelled to be the hero.  Putting others' needs ahead of herself wasn’t healthy and this was her wake up call.

Authors Gary Lundberg and Joy Lundberg wrote this description of boundaries in their book I Don’t Have to Make Everything All Better: “Personal boundaries define you as an individual. They are statements of what you will or won’t do, what you like and don’t like, how far you will or won’t go, how close someone can get to you or how close you will get to another person. They are your value system in action.”  They also wrote, “Having a strong, comfortable belief in your own value system means you have choices and must take responsibility for your thoughts, beliefs, and actions.” So clarifying our boundaries in order to make sure others respect them is critical in order to have a healthier outcome. 

Tips on Setting Boundaries:

  • Whose problems are they? Know which problems are yours and which problems are theirs. When people lash out, it’s typically because of their own insecurities and other life events they are dealing with that have nothing to do with you.  Although we can’t control what others say or do, we can control our response.  It’s OK to distance ourselves from someone who oversteps our boundaries and makes us feel uncomfortable.  Taking responsibility for your own actions helps as well.

  • Articulate it calmly: State why someone’s action was disrespectful or hurtful and that you’re not going to tolerate it.  It’s not about pushing them away but it is about clarifying your own values and beliefs and honoring what is and is not OK.

  • “That doesn’t work for me”: Although someone’s behavior may not change, your steady and consistent response will provide a mental safety zone. Have a few “no thank you” phrases and stick to those responses. Being consistent will help overcome any doubts or miscommunication.  When things feel overwhelming and people are asking for too much or push their agenda in some capacity, remember that saying “no” helps boost your own confidence and overall wellness and ability to have healthier relationships.  Looking out for yourself is important so put your oxygen mask on first.

  • Lean on your friend network:  Having a solid group of friends who provide honest feedback and lift you up is beyond helpful during a stressful time like the one we’re in now.  Happy hour Zoom calls have been a blessing.

As Caitlin Cantor, author of a recent Psychology Today article wrote, “No one else can decide what is acceptable to you besides you. If someone isn’t respecting your boundaries, you don’t have to wait helplessly until they do. You can take action to take care of yourself. You have more power than you realize, but you have to stop blaming others and start taking ownership of your life.” Amen.

Reviewed & Recommended: 

Psychology Today: Set Clear Boundaries and Stop Accepting Less Than You Deserve 

Huffington Post: Brené Brown: 3 Ways To Set Boundaries